@McGaveson: The worst part is they are already in the game, it just needs to be 'unlocked'
@McGaveson: The worst part is they are already in the game, it just needs to be 'unlocked'
@J0hnny-Kickass: If you have a XNA membership the source is still available which is pretty fun
@cjcamilla: I see they have already brainwashed you
@bobtheduck: Makes sense, or else it would be on splitscreen
@supremesonic: It took me until reading this comment to figure what [image002.jpg] was
@MSUSteve: If he turns out like the AI of your gang members in Saints Row where they are always in your way, or attacking an enemy with a rocket launcher from 2 feet away then I an see myself never using my dog.
@mnky: I have, and it actually works really well (but I'm not a FPS expert)
@NeVeRMoRe666: That was the most awkward, but best part of the game.
@Salen: I've always to wipe my ass with Gears of War
@Amsterdaam: If you actually hold the DS3, you can tell it would be more comfortable, in this case, to reach reach up, instead of down.
What were theses games?
@tecknical: My battery on my DS Lite only lasts about 3 hours (of course I have to use its highest brightness setting).
@Xagest: "they are penalized for allowing anyone to cancel preorders (even if the preorder was given by another employee)."
@Moar_pr0nz: The only reason the cell was difficult before was because devs just werent used to having processors during certain tasks.
Ahh, come on Nintendo,
I guess a lot of you missed this video which show actual gameplay footage:
@AdeptVoice: I actually have no problems with Gamestop doing that. They don't force you to sell your games for $5, people choose too. Gamestop are geniuses for figuring out that people would trade in a game for small cash since it is better than nothing. Most people who trade into Gamestop don't know how, or don't…
@Juicy Ass: If Motion Plus was released already we would be able to tell for sure.
@Doomstink: The acting was alright, except for Peach's sex scenes, unless its on purpose to show the only people who would want to do her are some poor plumbers.
@Solaricide: Wow I didn't even notice that.