Screw the rotary, just build this, we can worry about what engine it has later.
Screw the rotary, just build this, we can worry about what engine it has later.
What do Australians know about making cars?
Your cynically realistic comment is at odds with your wildly optimistic screen name.
He should bring the Scout down as a back up!
I don’t mean to be... um cruel/ignorant but couldn’t they have rigged something up? I mean I know the Kon-Tiki was a raft built for a specific purpose but...
This. You’re 100% right. The article also mentioned that they lost their phone (presumably some sort of satellite phone) overboard on the first day, yet didn’t turn around for some reason. 😳😖
Oh fuck off. You get in someone else’s supercar, you hit the gas, the tires aren’t “performing at the level they should be”? If you decide to double the speed limit on a public street in a vehicle that you are not personally 100% certain of, it’s on you, bro.
If you couldn’t afford it new you probably can’t afford it used either.
Japan. Makes total sense.
This car is like Cameron Diaz, to me. There are times I’ve seen it and briefly thought, “I’d be seen with that.” Then, the more I see it, the more it looks awful. Also like Cameron, it hasn’t aged well.
This is too much and terrible and over-the-top and gaudy and amazing and sexy and perfect.
Have you read “Shop Class as Soulcraft”? Despite the slightly woo-woo title, it addresses this very thing, brilliantly. The book came out of this essay. Definitely a good read.
I think it’s spelled “douchey.”
The Lotus Carlton/Omega is one of my dreamcars ever since i as a young impressionable lad saw this clip
You must be new here.
The only reason I remember this car:
Range Rover’s customer base wants the latest and greatest tech, which means lack of reliability.
Rod bearings are not witchcraft. Cars are not supposed to go boom at 36,001 miles.
They are great cars = Keep $2500-3000 handy for repairs