
Came to post this, too.

Great video, I think you nailed it on the head... By the time the M3 came out, electronics just weren’t developed enough to take up the mechanical tasks of accelerating, steering, braking, etc, but mechanical development was at its pinnacle. That’s what gives the M3 such a mechanical presence, and that’s about as

People aren’t being conscripted into these races. The great ideal of the Western World is “individual liberty.” We should allow people to make choices for themselves, when the impact of their decision affects only themselves. At the end of the day, why should society value the life of a person more than s/he values

Probably from the time he saves not browsing Jalopnik for new toys ;)

That CVC wants out really isn’t surprising at all. Private equity firms actually operate on a pretty simple business model, one that is ingenuous and also a bit ethically dubious.”

Honestly, Doug needs to work on his “on-screen” chops. His writing is great but it doesn’t translate to his attempts to speak in the manner in which he writes. I assume this will get better, but right now, just like in his regular videos, he looks like a goofy stiff that is trying too hard to get everyone to like him.

Let´s spice it up a little.

Since its Lebanon its hard to tell if that's engine backfires or AK-47s.....

“It was the Summer of 2012 when the bus for the Swedish swimsuit team got a flat outside my treehouse on their way to the annual mud-wrestling convention across town...”

Hahaha, Troll level: Expert has been attained! 1000 Points.

The ugliest BMW ever made.

E38 FTW. Just look at it. Last of the classic BMW design language.

The older ones look so much better. They’re actually desirable. The new ones are just bulbous microwaves.

I still want this truck.

Personally speaking, as an idiot teenager, I intentionally went faster than 85 so I could say I pinned the needle. Good job US gov’t indeed...

Really, guys? We’re gonna ignore the twirling Dorito?

will no one here defend the automatic?