


The initiation to become a Proud little boy...

Speaking from personal experience, he'll probably end up fired at the end of the year.

You missed the part where Bell only admitted to providing the benefits because he got upset that Pastner didn’t call him for his birthday. No, seriously.

I thought they meant this parentage:

Look, some women can be the most ardent supporters of an oppressive patriarchal system. Pam has survived in spite of/by virtue of her physical attributes all her life and can’t see the forest for the trees.

So in the Popovich/Kerr 2021 administration, do we make Stan Van Gundy the Secretary of State or Ambassador to the UN?

As a guy, I just want to say that this is tough. I want to be clear that the guys who did this stuff was wrong, but men are left in a Catch-22. I’m sure I will be eviscerated, but here goes the reasoning.

No, I’m saying don’t go to football games so you won’t have to see people acting like complete fucking maniacs. I’ve been to enough football games in my life to say this with a certain amount of authority.