
So a dude with more money than most people see in their lives chose to take advantage of economically-disadvantaged individuals for the sake of some anti-Semitic “humor,” and is now surprised that there are consequences that go with that kind of behavior.

Got it.

Having read some of the comments on the previous article

Wait - people think Grant Hill was an asshole? Why not switch Hill for Kyle Singler? And while you’re at it, Danny Ferry is much easier to hate than Redick.

Probably because it’s the greatest basketball game ever made, right alongside NBA Street Vol. 2.

Someone on Twitter put it best: One day Cam is going to die on the field and he’ll get called for delay of game.

“He thinks he’s really good at football just because he’s really good at football so fuck him”.

Yo, seriously, [MAJOR SPOILER ALERT] Vader’s rampage right at the end was probably the most fuckin’ amped I’ve been in a movie theater in years. I felt like my head was going to pop.

Damn, he and Paperboy just can’t get along at these sporting events

The White Sox fan on staff is yelling about how you never trade for 2B prospects. The Red Sox fan on staff is just giggling at his desk. The asshole Nationals fans on staff were whining this morning about giving up prospects for an actual dominant workhorse starter, and they deserve to never win anything ever.

As a Seattle resident who is sick of the pretentiousness of the damn “12's”; loved Cam throwing the flag down. Shit, everytime this team loses their final game of the year, some opposing player should throw down a damn 12 banner so these smug assholes will raise their fists and cry “damnit I’ve been a lifelong diehard