
You know the saying don’t run in the rain? Well, especially don’t run in the rain down a hill and take a sharp turn up an incline on slick concrete. Feet flew out from under me and I bounced my face on the sidewalk. Chipped 3 of my four front teeth into a perfect semi circle shape.

Whatever you say chief”

I don’t think Abrams is also running on a platform that implies rounding up the dark skinned folk that don’t speak ’Merican good. But I could be wrong.

Good thing the Braves are lining Brian Kemp’s pockets. They wouldn’t want him tossing Acuña into the back of his pick up truck.

They need a closer. I’ve seen Vizcaino blow more saves than not. With last night’s total fucking rip off loss to the Cubs being his most recent display of ineptitude.

“I want to sit down and drink coffee and scour information...”

Any Zlatan is better than no Zlatan.

I was picked on by both black and white kids. Bullies suck. That’s about it. I’m more concerned about how his parent’s influence will turn him towards hate as opposed to away from it.

Seriously. The guy is doing everything! Cleaning and prepping. I hope that he’s never been seriously injured due to this amazing prank.

Now playing

That’s good stuff. But this guy is still the all-time champion of being startled:


Hey it’s weird rectangle headed monster! I think I know that guy’s cousin.

As a Panthers fan going into the playoffs there were two factors that made me not really give a crap: 1) Watching them lose to the Saints for a 3rd f’n time 2) The thought that a sexist, racist POS owner could win a championship on his way out the door. GROSS.

Here are two things I’d like to offer all of the fine folks that might be inspired to take a similar stance because “they” are disrespecting our country:

I’m like Ron Bell, got the ill communication.

Stranger Things inspired bar realizes Stranger Things basically just references things it’s influenced by and decries “But who’s gonna shut down Stranger Things!?”

Fingers crossed for an underwear endorsement.

I’m hundreds of miles away. But I kind of wish I could buy a couple of tickets for these games just as a donation. And it’d be cool if they could give my tickets away for free to those that can actually attend. Win win.

Nice... safety?