We’ll probably find out later that the whole thing was staged....
We’ll probably find out later that the whole thing was staged....
How does one even buy a damn plane for 1.30?
That’s just as bad as having to remove a wheel to get to the battery on the Chrysler Sebrings and other vehicles of that family...
Distributors and points if it hasn’t already been said...
The American Ford Escorts also had an upshift light, but it was on the dash. I routinely ignored mine (‘88 GT)
Maybe that Cherokee is the “new” car David Tracy was really thinking of..
Well Done
Correct. This is a “See light-look at light-forget I’m driving” situation..
Thread Revival! Can you provide any info on what head unit you got and how you have it set up? I’m assuming there’s a way to toggle between OBD2 and the regular radio/music functions?
Barrett-Jackson vibes..
While he’s not specific on what kind of band equipment he’s carrying, I would suggest (as always) a Mazda 5. It can even be modded (a bit) if he wants a sporty feel. And he’ll save tons of $$. My Mazda 5 (2010) is my “Tour Bus” and carries my gear and sometimes a complete PA system for small to medium sized gigs.
Not always. Goodwood seems to have a nice mix of pros and amateurs running. The majority are probably amateurs/owners, but some are decent drivers in their own right..
I think most steering systems do something like that now (in terms of assistance) for quite a while, but I guess it would have be tuned more for this particular system
I get it.. While not a turbo, I didn’t realize till years after buying my 2010 Mazda 5 that the same engine was in Fords and Volvos (I think).. makes sense to me. From a marketing standpoint however, that might not be cool though. Then the auto journalists would complain that the engines are not standouts or worthy or…
I guess I COULD claim credit too, but then BMW would have had to have a direct link to my brain as I never wrote anything down..years ago...for me, the question is what happens if you need more steering angle?
Yay! More “floor the accelerator pedal” shots for extra speed ;-)
Didn’t know Dale Walksler had passed. I used to watch his TV show and it was clear how passionate he was about old motorcycles.