“Bacon de dinde”... that’s the first time I hear about turkey bacon. Dude, just serve us normal bacon please.
“Bacon de dinde”... that’s the first time I hear about turkey bacon. Dude, just serve us normal bacon please.
“Ile sanglante” means bloody island. I’ll pass.
Oh so that’s what you meant. To be honest playing 50 Quick Match can be a drag, but playing 50 VS AI games is just awfully boring. I’d rather not play at all TBH. I’m at 41 so I’ll get it by the end of the week.
Basically that’s what Ghost Trick was doing, you’d relive the same event sequence until you get it right. But I’m really interested in buying this when it hits consoles.
Could you explain the maths behind this ? One game of HotS takes roughly 20 minutes (so no hero league as the drafting phase makes the games longer), times 50 (goblins) = more than 16 hours in game. So yeah, you could do it in 1 day technically but I think you meant something else?
I can recognize a good plot when I see one.
Enough with your lies, Warlords of Draenor’s Story in reverse is yrotS s’ronearD fo sdrolraW
Fatal Frame with a free start ? Count me in. I’ll play it, never sleep again for 2 weeks and decide to not buy it because ghosts. Everywhere. o.O’
Oh I get it, as I said I agree with this. And your message was an interesting read, and I’ll go google this some more.
Yup, I noticed that but I admit I didn’t pay it attention, because it’s the basis of every shonen story ever (the foreigner in another land culture appart of course). Well, The Last Samurai takes this very far, I have to admit!
Made in China.
Don’t think I got all the jokes but the music was really great.
I know he was real, I was just trying to grab a symbolic character who could be considered a legend (even if he existed). Not the best comparison ever, I agree.
Yup, that’s sad cause I’ve loved this series, but it’ll end up like this. And this is no big deal. ;-)
You think The Last Samurai is offending ? Do you think it’s depicting some japanese powerful symbols in a ridiculous way? I’ver watched it twice and I never noticed, but again I guess it depends on the viewer. Could you elaborate?
It’s very interesting (indeed), but let me get offended when I want to please. :-)
Well, we could argue about this for a long time. Your point is definitely valid. But who said they should be limited ? I just said it bothers me. They can do whatever they want, but this may be the 2nd game in the series I won’t buy (the first being the…
Who are we supposed to recognize? (yup I lack in culture)
Never said it’s inherently wrong. Just that it bothers me! ;-)
I haven’t decided, maybe I’ll just flee crying for a change.