Bonus Multiplier x2:
Bonus Multiplier x2:
Destiny was fun, for a time, the controls were solid, shooting mechanics are great, but I never saw a lot of the end game stuff because of the over reliance on needing to party up with groups beforehand and not allowing for at least some sort of matchmaking like the 3 man fireteams did. The fact that they were…
Chinese gamers can’t play the official version of the game due to restrictive internet.. Guess this means we’ll get the Chinese government approved clone version with Chinese only servers soon enough.
Had put in vacation time at the Wal Mart I work at months in advance. Turned up at the store around 6:45pm and just camped.. Seems like I was the first one to do so. Soon after people gradually started trickling in..
To this day, I’ll never quite understand this incessant need to turn anything that was popular in animation form into a live action film. I keep wanting to believe it’s just for a segment of people that want to enjoy the story that the source material provided, but for some reason have this flat out revulsion towards…
Likewise.. I’ll defend that glorious fever dream till the day I die.
Thanks for at least mentioning us starving ass Xbox owners.. good god Japan, we will play your shit too!
Why is it that the ones who whine and complain and obsess so much about “homosexual conduct” come off as the most unfuckable people on the planet? “Aw shucks, I look like two miles of badly paved road but I’d be damned if two men or two women who like each other very much ever get to hook up dammit!”
You covered it pretty well I think.. Yeah, this sort of behavior doesn’t even have to be aimed at just women in general, but anyone else outside the nerd geekdom circle.
All the proof I need to know that they just don’t give one iota of a fuck about us. Even at birth, we’re nothing more than toys for their amusement. I welcome the nuclear fire that’s coming soon. I’ll even drink to it while the wave of fire comes washing over..
Xbox user as well. I don’t get even why indie titles are missing my system of choice.. now it’s like PS4, with PC as a consolation prize these days. While I game on PC as well, I’d much rather see these games grace Xbox sometime soon. Halo’s kinda lost all it’s steam with me and I’m not heavily into racing or sports…
I don’t get it either.. maybe it’s just this obsessive need for pc gamers to have all their games only through Steam or whatnot.. It’s an ok bit of software and a proven marketplace, but even I remember when people were losing their shit over how it started out, when the only way you could play Half Life 2 was to get…
They are gonna have to fight us all.
They are gonna have to fight us all.
They are gonna have to fight us all.
Not sure why they seem to be so difficult to find. Working at my retail chain, I see them coming off the shipment trucks like every other week or so.. I unloaded 10 of them just yesterday. They might not show up in large bursts, but we have been getting a steady trickle of them since launch.
We have an entire generation now playing with racism as if it were a cheap toy. Something bored teenagers play with in order to get a few kicks.
Hmm, too self conscious these days. I don’t even think of picking up 6 piece meal without worrying about side eye from someone in the periphery.
Good sir, there are not enough stars in this universe that I can offer you.