
Baggy suit.

You want, like, a sticker or something?

Toyota’s backup test in case the young hip customers never come.

Trees only exists to be transformed in beautiful clean wood charcoal briquettes so you can cook yourself a well done steak and eat it with ketchup, as God intended.

Like.. why couldn’t they have done this to a PT cruiser or dodge magnum or something? What did an old ford ever do to anyone?

Not only the whole “lets just destroy it to destroy it” but also “hey lets dump an entire cooling system worth of anti-freeze out randomly into the ground in the woods, and then while we are at it cut down two perfectly good trees to drop onto the truck”

The Cruze is mainly German? LOL... no... not really. The Cruze is has plenty of Korean/Daewoo Lancetti in it.

I love how the dealer assumes it was impossible, thereby claiming that it was more likely that someone had replaced the door panel with a mismatched one, and then brought that panel in for a warranty replacement. I spent many years in dealer service deparments, but I’ve never seen anything that absurd.

...or just built by Ford

The Cruze was engineered in Korea.

That’s actually a user interface feature. They realized that anyone who ordered a $27000 Dart probably didn’t know which side the driver went on. #shotsfired

Perhaps the seat maker started it, but the Quality Control inspector’s sole job is to make sure that this kind of thing does not get out the door.

Nah its probably just a special edition like the Dodge Dart Mopar

It gets worse and more expensive the newer you get of course. At this point though from what I’ve heard and been reading, I wouldn’t touch any BMW unless I had a lease and warranty coverage.

Its hit and miss really but from my experience with my moms 3 series she used to have and the current gen 7 series, along with the stories I’ve been told by the techs, its crazy how the reliability is on top of the outrageous and damn near ultra luxury and super car like repair costs on some of the models.

Did you read his comment? He’s talking about the US market, not globally. Your own link states that Buick sales were down in both the USA and Canada in 2015.

I dunno man. They’re POS’s

as a millennial in the market for a new car (time to upgrade the 2003 civic) GM as a whole is entirely undesirable (i’m a weekend warrior but i don’t want a chevy cruise). none of GM’s lineup appeals to me or looks fun/exciting, and because i might not buy new (because it’s a terrible investment) and go with something

First Gear: Buy Buick; buy American......Badges.

Does anyone on here actually want a Buick that is currently sold? Every time I see a Verano, I die a little inside.