
What does decoupling GTA from GTA Online have anything to do with grinding for money? The money economies for the single player and the online game is completely different. They added the grinding to GTA Online intentionally, to first extend replayability and encourage progression to “end-game” stuff that increases

As a fellow person who dislikes the idea of close contact with anyone below close-friend-level in anything less than a formal networking situation, my solution is stay out of handshake range. This is usually enough to discourage the other party from hugging (which requires them to charge you like a lunatic) or from

Ok, great. Now if only Disney/Fantasy Flight Games can see the opportunity here and throw a bunch of money at these guys to do a digital port of Star Wars Armada. <Palpatine> DO IT! </Palpatine>

Why? Doomfist’s gauntlet isn’t passed down with a title. Heck, the poster’s “new Doomfist” is even wearing his “fist” on a different hand than his predecessor.

And if trying to play through one frustrates you too much, watching Jesse Cox and Dodger play through them on Jesse’s channel is just as hilarious.

No chef or grill cookbook will recommend throwing a steak frozen solid straight on the grill. At any normal grill heat, you’ll blacken the outside and find the inside still frozen solid. Don’t do that.

They’re being weird about their branding. On one hand they just announced they’re changing names to Blizzard Launcher. On the other, they are going to release a distinctly non-Blizzard game on it, and called it Battle.Net on stage live during the announcement.

Its not a matter of how fast you get those clicks. For articles like these, its about getting those clicks at all; thousands upon thousands of gamers are going to be looking for reviews at or just before launch to decide if they want to get a copy, and if you don’t get the review article out before that window, your

Is there a problem with the N3DSXL speaker placement and volume? I’ve been meaning to look into a replacement for my four year old 3DSXL, as the battery life is starting to resemble a Switch.

One could say mipmapping is basically the LODing but specifically for textures, but there are additional factors that mipmapping solves that mesh LODing doesn’t. Visually, a complex 3D model looks fine near or far, but the same does not apply to textures, especially for textures that are at an angle with respect to

While I am neutral on the issue (developers and publishers have a right to demand how they want their product featured, though fair use needs to be respected), I disagree with your point. Knocking on creator’s channels have zero impact in spoiler proliferation, for a simple reason: unlike tweets, reddit posts and chat

It depends partly on your region’s general saltiness I guess, as well as whether you’re playing ranked. On QuickMatch, I’d rate it way below both DotA and League. For me, in about 1 in 4 games maybe someone will comment on somebody else’s skill level.

There’s something to be said about the game not requiring as many

Yes. Its true. Somewhere, someone on the internet said something. It is also completely true that one can find people saying anything. However, it is not always the case where that someone has a fanbase that is the size of a small country. A small fraction of the viewers are malleable enough to be convinced by their

I don’t see how collecting herbs, chasing livestock around or whatever the filler quests asks you to do had anything to do the hole in the sky. At least when Witcher 3 does it, the dialogue’s funny or there’s something that happens that keeps you from falling asleep. With DA:I, half the time I felt like I was grinding

This excuse is like trying to convince someone that it doesn’t matter that their phone battery only has a 15 min talk-time, because it can view messages for 3 hours.

Except this trailer pisses all over Jacksonverse as well. It also doesn’t quite make any logical sense.... Sauron, who “sees all”, not feeling the slightest tremor in the Force while a new Ring of Power is being forged on his private crack and anvil? In RoTK, the good guys had to serve every last non-elf hero unit

Don’t take a quote out of context. Grillot was referring to how every life is important, that we’re all human, regardless of origin and race.

Yea! I see some Fantasy Flight pieces. Covers for the Star Wars RPGs. Ackbar is alt art for his card in Star Wars Armada (which is awesome even as a tabletop display btw)

Right, it really depends on what kind of game you like more. Do you like exploration of countless worlds with a massive variety of environments, with a smattering of cool scripted missions? Starbound is that. Or do you prefer settling on one world, fighting a fixed sequence of hard larger than life bosses with insane

Agreed. I was initially hesitant about Sun and Moon. Some of the new designs may be abit meh, but the new Vulpix/Ninetails, post elite-4 stuff, the totally awesome Z-moves, have totally sold me. Now let me go change my Discord profile pic to the adorable Minior core....