@Weatherwax: I am so Team Vocal Adrenaline its not even funny.
@Weatherwax: I am so Team Vocal Adrenaline its not even funny.
The Stamos on Glee!?!
@bookling: Oh man, he did such a great job.
@no clever name: Me too! They just make me giggle.
@sebluver: I've listened to the "Poker Face" cover 107 times.
@whoohooby: Oh yeah.
@looseleaves is a Wildean dandy: My roommate is one of the stylists on "Ask A Stylist" so I feel compelled to plug it.
Oh bad fanfiction. I wish I knew how to quit you.
@sequined: I want them both equally, so I have a vivid fantasy life where I live with them and the three of us sing all the time and hang out and are best friends/sex partners.
@whoohooby: Taye Diggs and Idina Menzel.
@Elle O. Elle: Oh hai Mark!
@JinxyMcDeath: But she makes far too much money to ever do crack!! Where are the receipts?!
I am a huge, die hard fan of the show-to the point that I was mumbling aloud which seasons all of their references came from. (The newspaper dress? Season 2, finale.)
"Hay gurl hay!"
Ugh. This episode.
Okay, I thought the first evil boyfriend was Prince.
@ObservantUnderachiever: I was telling myself the whole time, "don't read the comments, don't read the comments."
@kv8246: I am so content with this life choice. If I could share I would!
Why yes, I am making Lemon Squares at midnight.
@ObservantUnderachiever: Why did I read the comments? WHY?