
It's only a routine because it's a 25 year old series that has gotten more newbie friendly with each game since Zelda 3. That's what happens when you try to broaden your audience with each sequel. Nintendo has always maintained a family-friendly image a la Disney while From Software doesn't have to worry about that

And just to qualify so I don't sound like a complete sonvabitch I think the series has more to learn and gain from games like ICO and SOTC, games that also carry a sense of adventure but aren't as reliant on combat and oppressing atmosphere as DS games are.

I never said he was reviewing the game. I was stating that people who did review FF13 and SS on average rated SS higher than FF13.

Well that has nothing to do with me. My point is that if a game sells that many units then it probably has some good qualities about it. And even if you point to something like FF13 that also sold well but was blasted by many, the critical reviews of stuff like Skyward Sword and Skyrim were still top notch while that

Yeah TR is pretty hardcore. Dead Space has some pretty hardcore death animations and so does Fear Effect too.

So Simone is doing Red Sonja AND Tomb Raider?

Lara, do you even lift?

Going platinum 3 and a 1/2 times is an indication that there's still an audience who finds the franchise worthy of their time. Sure it's not a direct indication of quality, very little is but something like that isn't going to sell that much without having some merit.

I'm not gonna lie...I was kind of dissapointed he didn't look like Mel Gibson.....

but he did save a lot of people. Especially in the flashbacks. And during the initial fights with Zod's cronies. Remember this is the beginning of Superman so he's not experienced and perfect yet so of course he's going to fuck up.

"Hey kid, wanna bat/ss/?"

At least someone gets it! Obviously the story is going to be taking over a long period of time and this is in the past before she meets her ghost bro.

Weren't the mechs called Gears and foreign hence the title Xenogears? Seems pretty logical.

Gave me a huge Guilty Crown vibe. Looks neat but those running animations look pretty bad.

Probably trying to make the game more grey than usually and have Big Boss come off as "villainous"

Honestly surprised about Part 2. Hope it's better than the 1st

Look at the tons of romance novel covers that have women as their main demographic. Men aren't posing like female supermodels with their spines doing corkscrews so they can show their ass like a stereotypical "bikini babe". They usually are very fit with their pecs showing due to no shirt and leering at either a woman

4 did start all the stuff people bitch with the series nowadays. The suplexing and tons of ammo and so forth. I think 4 gets away with it because it was new and fresh after stinkers like CV and RE0. That and the fact that RE4 came out at a simpler time when we were all younger.

I definitely agree. RE5 was pretty much a rehash of RE4 in terms of core gameplay. It was solid but not very different. That being said RE4 was fun but was the start of the full on action routine. You can literally mow 900+ enemies in a single playthrough which was unheard of in old REs.

He might be talking about how time travel is often used in vidya stories or in gameplay like the Sands of Time Trilogy, Orcania of Time, Blades of of Time, GOW2,etc