FF has been "whiney" and filled with "cheesy speeches" since FF4. The melodramatic story was one of the ways to distingush itself from DQ
FF has been "whiney" and filled with "cheesy speeches" since FF4. The melodramatic story was one of the ways to distingush itself from DQ
Yes. So true and so sad. One day maybe we'll find a cure for platform fanboyism...one day ;_;
What the hell kinda name is Tagg? Is it like the American version of Taj?
This. Men usually wear polos or suits or jackets. Women should wear something along those lines. And the author is absolutely ridiculous in bringing Michelle Obama up since she does not work for ESPN or something similar. (Unless they were joking in which case disregard)
I like maxipads. They're like little pussy pillows and pillows make everything better.
Go back to bed, Glenn.
Virtual Boy? Why do you see that? Tablet tech is more ubiqutious than VR stuff in the mid-90s. PS3 flopped from the price honestly. If it came out at 300$ and had easier infrastructure so developers had an easier time programming for it, it probably would've helped alot.
The game is not super horrible but it's not great either. People claiming it's the best 3PS out there really need to play some 3rd person shooters. The game doesn't handle as well as stuff like Max Payne, Gears or Uncharted. It tries to do too much with the co op, constant qtes, cover system, comboing and counter…
"Steve wanted me to know that you're dressing way too broish lately. Seriously cut back on the hair gel, spray tan, tight polo shirts and flip flops, you're making people nervous."
Chandler is solid but he's nowhere near a HOF Center. Ewing and David have more athleticism and post moves than Chandler. He would have problems playing with guys like that.
Brand recognition. It's a popular franchise. I agree that the first game was bad. Too slow and stiff. Should've played more like Godhand meets the Sengoku series rather than whatever we got
She looks good sans that awful wig
I don't even know why digital versions of games cost the same as retail versions. Digital games should be at least 20$ cheaper than the physical copy from Day 1.
Cosigning with your statement. 4 and 5 just felt better in terms of shooting and animations. I think part of the problem was that the areas were really small filled with clutter or just dead bodies Leon and Helena kept tripping over repeatedly (annoying!). I too had problems with the areas being too dark even on max…
At least it looks better than default FemShep from ME3.
One drop rule, bro