
I still find it odd people say the series overall is convoluted. The deception angle is important in spy fiction and that's exactly what MGS. I remember being confused by 2 but playing it again and playing 3 made thin make sense. 4 was a bit off in terms of some stuff but it was still enjoyable. I think Kojima was

Suggesting that great writing is needed to make a great game is absurd. There are plenty of great games with crappy plots or barely any story whatsoever but are absolutely stellar on the mechanics end. Sure a good story makes the experience more enjoyable but it is not necessary to make a great game.

That Other M commericial wasn't so bad and neither was that Japanese Fusion one.

I think it has something to do with the presentation. Amalur feels and looks cartoony in comparison to Witcher and while that's not a bad thing in itself I see more and more gamers are into the "gritty" realistic or "hyper" realistic vs. the sensational over the top kinda of cartoony looking designs (For the most part

Hopefully it won't be as trigger happy as his recent games. Survival horror kind of loses its fear factor when you just go around shooting literally 100s of enemies.

Nice art. Horrid game.

To be fair this game will probably have some tweest that complicates things like past MPs.

The series is super linear and throws set pieces at you. It does not offer the freedom that MGS series does (who doesn't love strapping C4 to guards backs?) but it's a different type of game. It's mostly shooting at bad guys from cover and is pretty neat albeit overrated. If you like shooting games than you should

I know I was just joking around. But I'm shocked people actually liked Mercer. Pretty sure the reveal of the game was that he was an asshole before the memory loss.

"In Halo 1, there was maybe thirty seconds of fun that happened over and over and over and over again. So, if you can get thirty seconds of fun, you can pretty much stretch that out to be an entire game."

Shit, I'm racist as hell. I knew there was a new protag but I didn't know he was black. Interesting.

Glad I could be of some service! :) Though I do disagree a bit in the survival horror thing with 5. Like 4, it provided some tense moments especially when you're not familiar with the controls and enemies but it was still through and through action.

Mass Effect is an RPG? I can sorta see the case for 1...if I squint but 2 and 3 are pretty much shooters with RPG elements I would say. All this genre stuff is confusing....

Are those games really RPGs? They seem more like action/adventure with RPG elements.

I agree. CT is still pretty good. I don't think it's the best but I can see why people think of it as their favorite game.

I think people just got burnt out by them. JRPGs dominated the PS1 era and were even still fairly popular during the PS2/Xbox era. Though like the author says JRPGs can be pretty different from one another i.e. Shadow Hearts vs Xenosaga vs Persona 3

>But hey,speculating on things you have no idea about is the entire point of a 'comments' feature,right?

>You build up a major villain for two games, and in the last 10 minutes say, "just kidding, that being was nothing - I'm really the main bad guy, yeah, you've never heard of me and it was never hinted I existed

Now that you mention I have seen people claim a major theme about ME was the "pointlessness of it all". Hmmm....mayeb you're on to something there....

I agree. I mean yeah it's pretty but is it going to fundamentally change gameplay? Like when you're a superhero and floating or flying or something? Or using a cloth to tie up enemies or something? Everyone talks about immersion in regards to better presentation, I'm much more interested in immersion tied to better