
It has nothing to do with being a die hard anime fan and more to do with common sense. In fact I'm pretty casual but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that like other media, anime has popular trends that generate me-too-imitators, shows that appeal to the "lowest common denominator" and shows that exist

WW gets bashed for its look which I wasn't thrilled with but ignored and even liked at some points (The Cel shading was great but the actual designs were kinda ugly) but it had a lot more wrong with than how it looked. Something that Aunouma has said himself.

Obviously the people who don't know about this or are surprised about this don't read the books and are casual fans at best so it's best to ignore them

But wait there's more! Due to the fight between the Ultimates and Avengers, Norman Osborn and the rest of the Sinister 6 break out and look for Parker at his home. Wounded Peter Parker goes to fight them and with the help of Johnny Storm, Ice Man, MJ and Gwen and Aunt May he's able to beat them but he "dies" from

Well said. And if you lost your star for similar comments than fuck the people who took it.

What's even more amazing to me is the whole notion that they're people, and a lot of them apparently that think Hunger Games is good. A load of bollocks if you ask me

Who cares? Dark Souls is a completely different game, doing something completely different than Zelda. Zelda 1 was 25 years ago things have changed.

So much retardation in these comments. Sturgeon's Law people. It applies to everything. 90% of insert media here is garbage. Anime has had a majority of stupid harem and other shit shows for decades. It's just that with the internet and fansubbing so prominent that it's more pronounced. There are still a few shows

1. WW was shit sans music

At least they actually look different now (somewhat)

I love how fanboys scream and rage at this admission. RE4 sold well. RE5 sold even better. It's the best selling RE game to date (not including the re-release and PC edition). The old REs were not that fortunate.

Sucker Punch may have been shit but those actions were quality stuff. Synder works best when he's cheorgraphing stuff like that though he uses slow mo too much when it's not needed.

Only if the military the player is playing as allows women on the front lines. I think Israel and Australia's army do but I'm not sure. Otherwise I doubt it since it's usually Americans or British or Russian armies you're playing as/fighting against.

Bayonetta shits all over Ninja Gaiden anyway. The camera in NG is absolutely dreadful I'm still surprised it's gotten this many sequels and re-releases

The beat and flow don't blend as well as in P3's J-Rap tracks. And just because you like one song in a genre doesn't mean you'll like all. They're plenty of people who may love 50 Cent but despise Drake's tracks even though they're both rappers. Also 13's world is completely removed from our own while P3 is modern day

Agreed. USM hasn't been this interesting since the Clone Saga. Dumping Peter was a good move. The constant backlash though is proof that you can't change things in comics (i still remember the internet blowing up when Cap and Bruce were killed)


Gaming has always been about cash cows and me too titles since the NES came out and established popular titles like Mario and Zelda and Metroid

Should've left her face a secret. Seems stupid to reveal it in a throw image that's photoshopped on someone's desk.

Yeah Grandia 2 was pretty great. I liked how all the characters changed and the battle system was fun too. Ryudo was a fun main character though he got a bit annoyingwhen you dealt with his pass. There were a few moments where things got me misty eyed and the TWEESTS were neat as well.