
Judy King's “Hold up—you’re Jewish?!” was especially hilarious because Cindy didn't explicitly say she was in that conversation. She just rattled off a bunch of really horrifying derogatory phrases that Judy immediately associated with Jewish people. Just another level of King's "aw shucks, me, racist?" attitude.

You look different.

"Tutu" was a callback to s1e6 when Piper is on the phone with Polly while at the OB/GYN's office. Polly got the term from her mom and runs it by both Piper and the doc. "My gynie loves it". SO creepy.

On the one hand, d'oh…I stand corrected. On the other…cool, now I have a whole new read on that scenario. Misinterpretation isn't all bad! Thanks for the clarification.

"With her history as Bert Cooper’s longtime secretary and historical fling with Roger Sterling,"
NOPE. The fling was with Coop. Roger just narrated the tale into his dictaphone recordings for Sterling's Gold.