
It’s in Japan. Of COURSE it’s a sex toy. Fucking EVERYTHING is a sex toy in Japan.

It’s about time.

i just came to this solution because of the toilet paper sitting next to me

I worked it out slightly differently, by mapping the surface of the cylinder four times next to each other (so 16cm total) and making the string a straight line from the bottom of the first corner to the top of the last (so the hypotenuse of a 12x16 triangle). If I were smarter I would have seen that it circles four

I bet you can’t unsee:

Don’t worry, I’m sure corporate lobbyists are lobbying hard (we’d call it bribery and corruption in any other country) to make sure that those pesky laws don’t apply to them. Laws are only for the little people.

I love Dyson’s products.....right up until I see the price.

Finally, we can get rid of all that nasty CO2 that’s hanging around our coins!

Dude, you’re supposed to leave it after you’re done. No wonder they don’t have them any more.

“Thank the Lord! I’ve always hated having to plug something into my phone to charge it up! Now let me plug this thing into my phone so I can charge it up...”

What? That’s one of the biggest “Fuck You’s” to common sense I have ever seen.
Now excuse me while I give myself a haircut with this here vacuum cleaner attachment.

Man, when that Nigerian prince gives me that money he promised me, I’m gonna fund education to help prevent this...

You should be aware, whenever someone asks me to take a photo for them I flip the camera to manual mode and change ALL the settings. I take good pictures too, but I never ever ask what they want if I’m not getting paid.

Most cameras scale up the resolution when they detect motion. I sell CCTV systems and customers always say they want about a weeks worth of recording. I always (at least) tripple that request. With 5 Ip cameras and a 500Gig drive you can usually save up to a month no problem.

Can you configure it to use your own cloud storage solution?

Okay when will one of these dozens of phone techs will we finally get to see implemented in our tech? I feel like I’ve been reading these promises for over a decade and not one of them have been commercialized.

Fucking terrible, it's sad what the truly great sanctity of marriage has come to. It's almost a big joke now a days.

You had me at Blows and Sucks. Happy Monday Snarks!

You know it's not Reeves, because he can use the muscles in his face to change expression.