i hate to agree, but you are right. I mean superhero movies are screwed if they force quotas
i hate to agree, but you are right. I mean superhero movies are screwed if they force quotas
GLAAD has supported Alec Baldwin saying gay slurs for years now, so I don’t really think their seal of approval means much
can’t wait for the first Icelandic gays to be beheaded.
I think its pretty much a given that everyone started liking Reese Witherspoon more once that DUI video came out. I wish she was like that a lot more. Like everything in movies,tv, and sports are just so neutered. We need more excitement. Have NFL players start taking notes from WWE
Could we instead talk about how shit the movie starring those two guys from New Girl was?
well, then they are racist for assuming everyone is white
Do you really want Taylor to just have these POC just so she isn’t called a racist?
I don’t think her squad is as intersectional as everyone wants to claim it is though.
Wow nice gif of a transaphobic, racist liberal. Also i do notice your avatar is of the stupid white spiderman instead of the strong black one,
You’re old enough to teach high schoolers and you are still watching the VMAs?
Well then i guess it’s true that there are idiots on both sides of the political spectrum
Knowing Jezebel journalism you probably do think that’s how running for President works you just announce it at the VMAs and then its legit
you can’t honestly believe that,
awesome troll
He is about 3 levels above Donald. And I respect that.
Artists were much classier in every sense back then.
I don’t believe you for this occasion, because neither Miley, Niki or Rebel are good enough actresses to pull that shit off. Plus its way too goddamn easy to make gifs in the world of DVR, so there is really no need for your job to exist. Literally they could just have an intern watch the show, and just text them to…
ok, sorry about that, I am just so used to people having really problematic heros but calling out other people. Like how everyone here thinks people that eat at Chik-fil-a are evil, but Gawker media is way more homophobic.