Yup. Her statement only shows that she’s as shitty as her sister
Yup. Her statement only shows that she’s as shitty as her sister
I’m not even clear on why they would put that statement out. They are just confirming that they are culpable.
My exact fucking thought. I even re-read it because I was sure I must have just misunderstood.
“We’ve kept quiet on the subject of our sister Ruby Franke for the sake of her children.”
Uh, for the sake of her children you ABSOLUTELY SHOULD NOT have kept quiet!
Keeping child abuse quiet for 3 years “for the sake of the children” what the entire fuck?
Well, they work together, so I don’t think we ought to ignore either.
Oh, totally, because we all know men - particularly successful men - have no power or control over themselves.
Brought to you by the people who wept in fear and anger of the idea of enforcing ANYTHING that had to do with stopping the spread of a deadly communicable disease, if even half-measures for a short period of time.
Hope everyone understand the assignment come 2024.
How come people want to protect the children from everything except their own parents?
“Franke’s business partner and therapist Jodi Hildebrandt.”
Oh, I agree completely. What boggles my mind is that these awful people had 2.5 million subscribers, some of which just HAD to be so stupid as to take “parenting” advice from these miserable sacks.
Alito: ‘Back when we were forcing children to work in sweatshoppes for pennies a day, literally risking life and limb, there was no such thing as a buffer zones ... overturned!”
Rat Bastards.
Suspects always panic and try to run, that is cop 101. They are not thinking that clearly. Your response is pure Hollywood Coppery.
I’m no law enforcement professional, but whatever happened to the “shoot out the tires” strategy? Even if it’s lame, it’s better than shooting the woman dead!
Right? A lot of family lore gets passed down and retold. It’s very common for details to be exaggerated or straight up not true. Many parents and relatives, including mine, tell stories where they are the convenient hero despite reality.
This is why you shouldn’t believe in religion, let it dictate your life, or think that it gives you some right to dictate other people’s rights and decisions in things such as healthcare. But the opiate of the masses is a strong habit to kick I suppose. Glad I got out.
Maybe it’s okay to be critical of the scab-adjacent corporate shilling of a high profile pop star with a big platform and his own comms team even if we think the scab-adjacency of that shilling is borne more of ignorance than malice. It’s not like Starbucks’ union busting is new or unknown, and it’s maybe selling out…
23 week fetus that survived in 1955. I call 100% bullshit.