
What is not being mentioned in comment after ignorant comment, is that Kelly is beholden to her NRA masters just as much as corporate owned politicians. If the NRA can literally OWN all Repug politicians and a handful of center right Dems, there is zero hope for any meaningful gun regulations to ever pass. There once

Here’s some info for you: Being a woman doesn’t mean being forced to support a female “celebrity,” who is apparently a fraud. And, there is no comparison to be made between this attention clown and Dylan Mulvaney, who has been willing to put her career at risk by depicting her transition for the public, as well as

And by your “logic,” that means all Democrats are exactly like Repugs, so why bother voting? Regardless of what this b$tch is doing, only ONE party is banning abortion and only ONE party has become fascist. So, I will take my chances with the Democrats in my state (CA) who have been extremely pro-choice and aren't

Uh, No.

Yelling, and making loud noises or “tapping” cats on the nose is abusive. I have been rescuing cats since I was a child and what you’re describing is definitely NOT appropriate discipline for cats. We currently have eight cats, all strays. You’re literally stating that you “manhandle them into submission,” and they’re

Don’t forget, this is the court that Leonard Leo has designed and also explicitly profited from the placement of his hand picked scotus stooges. It will be extremely difficult to undo the damage that has been done. It’s beyond just “partisan,” at this point. Right-wing billionaires now have the court they purchased

Gee, I thought this article was about Griner’s former coach, Ms. Mulkey, and her horrendous choice of clothing. Interesting how Jezebel readers can’t seem to stop slamming Griner, who is very fortunate to be alive and back home where she belongs. Ms. Mulkey should have been supportive of Griner as well as other lgbtq

At this point American “conservatism,” has morphed into full on fascism, so you can stop both-sidesing the total collapse of the Republican party. If liberals are screaming, it’s because too many Americans are just fine with the annihilation of American democracy, including center right Democrats.

You didn’t answer Catsnstuff’s question. I generally prefer not to play Jezebel’s ludicrous commenting game, (as in sucking up to whomever to be published.) However, after reading your comments I don’t think you’re really considering who Elizabeth Holmes actually is. She appears to have a sociopathic personality, and

Do you have a broken switch somewhere?

Now playing

You seem to be minimizing all of the damage DeSatan has caused and is still creating in Florida. Hundreds of thousands of Floridians would still be alive if the state had implemented Covid-19 restrictions as other states did. And residents of Florida are still dying of Covid in Florida. 84,927 deaths and 7.4 million

Russian “laws,” are tyrannical and grossly inhumane, but perhaps all of you defending Russian "laws," will be pleased if Griner never makes it home.

Of course, since he's Putin's paramore, and mob underling.

No, not the least bit racist at all, right Steven? Absolutely hilarious, and I’m sure Senator Warnock just can’t stop laughing. Yes, by all means, use your brains.

Haley is not a moderate anything. So called moderate Republicans no longer exist. Anyone who was has retired, left the party or decided not to run again. She has been a full on fascist for quite awhile, and repeats the same hateful, eliminationist rhetoric as her GQP counterparts. 

Perhaps you should return to your Fox propaganda addiction instead of being an ass on a "blog" that you're only interested in trolling. "Delusional, spoiled twat," certainly describes you very well.


No, you're sick. Reporting a parent who has committed incest must be done confidentially, or the victim could suffer further abuse. Many victims of incest are threatened by the perpetrator, idiot. You're deliberately trolling and don't actually give two f**ks about the actual victim. Why are your asinine comments even

Hilarious. Definitely not sane, but twisted, little misogynist.

Right-wing “news” pushes propaganda, not reality. They’re viewers are not the majority and they will be outvoted. However, even rightwingers don’t necessary want abortion completely banned.