
I’m wrapping up my graduate thesis at the moment, which blends our contemporary understanding of trauma with literary analysis to show that Virginia Woolf’s female characters display symptoms of PTSD that have been historically ignored because of the longstanding belief that only soldiers can experience PTSD. It

Wow, that was not where I was expecting the article to go.  Very great topic to cover in such a manner -- even being familiar with PTSD, I had never heard of Railway Spine.  How did this come to your attention?

For comparison, the stock solid rear axle on my 2005 3/4 ton diesel truck (an 11.5" AAM 8 lug) is about 500 - 550 lbs fully assembled, with brakes. I didn’t see any mention of how much this electric axle weighs but it would be interesting to compare the two. The complete diesel engine, radiator, accessories, 4 speed

You sir live in a fantasy realm that contains affordable RZRs

See above. That’s where this whole thread started from.

I gave it a ND, but if someone gave David Tracy $2000 for his postal truck then this thing has got to be worth roughly $6.5 million.

I had a 70 commander that I daily drove yes they are scary on the highway but it is so much better to have a on street driver than another side by side atv that you need to trailer everywhere.

Most of us that live in paved parts of the country cannot drive a razr on the street on nice days and not on the highways.

That’s the point of this era CJ-5, it is supposed to be bare bones. The one season aspect is only a Quadratec shopping trip away from having a full top and doors. it already has a heater.

You have a very strong point.

Battery weight would chew into the payload capacity of the vehicle me thinks.

And still not one fucking comment about the “For the People Act” from a writer on TheRoot. Not one word encouraging people to request their representatives vote for HR1 or their Senators pass S1, the two bills that comprise the act. If this passes and becomes law, all the BS laws the writers here like to piss and moan

Can’t put a price on a convertible or something; it’s a Jeep thing, I wouldn’t understand.

“We said we'd reach bipartisan agreements and we did. We all agree that pork-barrel spending, nepotism, corruption, waste and giving public funds to private companies that contribute to our campaigns, all these things are the foundation of our country."

“We won the USPS contract, by a lot!”

It’s hilarious, it sounds like they think there’s a consolation prize for the losers.

that truck’s hair looks more natural than the orange fool’s.


It’s a dirt road.

Good on them to establish up front they were only going to do it until they killed someone.

I, for one, am all for taking a Volkswagen-controlled company’s word about clean fuel technology at face-value without any critical commentary.