
I can confirm that the area is I-5 Northbound approaching the 103 exit. Pretty much considered Olympia.

You are correct, many Americans hated Obama...but not because of his skin color. There are many policy reasons to dislike Obama but then if you speak out you’re called racist - even if you yourself are black.

Trump is a villian? Let me introduce you to Hillary Clinton and the doven or so scandals she has ADMITTED to.

Emotional Friend, you’ll find that haven in California.

Please support California’s seceding from the nation. The rest of the country is behind you all the way.

The state of California is recalling the plates by standing firm on “good taste and decency”? Wow.

Looks like another excuse to throw a Nobel prize his way.

The iFuge is revolutionary (see what I did there?) and Apple will begin lawsuits in 3...2...1...

Chevy developed this in response to the wildly popular Ford Econoline vans of 1961-1967. It’s about as close a copy as you can get.

How many of the dozen or so Clinton scandles did you fact check....? Can you even list 3 that aren’t associated with her email server?

Doug, I understand that you’re no mechanic, but I would trust the work of “an independent exotic mechanic with decades of experience” that also OWNS the car in question over work done by a Ferrari dealership mechanic trying to beat flat rate. So would most people in the know.

Is it just me or does anyone else wonder why Millenials can’t seem to figure out which end of a wrench to use? You purchase a high maintenance car and take it to the dealer (or indy shop) then post about the costs of driving the car.

Quinceañerais a party for Latinas (girls) that turn 15. I photographed my grandaughters Quinceañera last year and I can see how someone could specialize in it.

I have had to fix too many brake jobs when the “owner-mechanic” reversed the primary and secondary shoes.

Great bikes until you have to actually ride them.

Until you try to come up with the OEM exhaust...

Any chance Obama will pull a Clinton and make off with $400k of whitehouse furnashings on his way out?

Odeyssey trannies were nowhere near as bad as Chrysler minivans.

I bought a 2001 Odeyssey with a bad tranny knowing I could buy a quality rebuid for $1000. Yes, they had a reputation for bad trannies but mine had 170,000 miles on the original and I don’t hink that’s considered terrible. Now if you want to talk about Chrysler minivan trannies that go about 80k between rebuilds....

The Mercury truck was built in Canada long before the Caddy court case.