
Votes don’t lie.

Weird that if HC orchestrated “millions” of illegal votes, she had them recorded in states where they could do her no good.

Redo! Redo!

The president elect says there was voter fraud. Better do a nationwide recount.

Donald doesn’t drink

Her age progression in just 2 months was pretty horrifying.

I actually think this, too (not that President Pence is any consolation). Trump has never really worked a day in his life, and now he’s stepping into the most labor-intensive job on the planet. It takes a toll on someone who is both intelligent and physically fit. He has admitted that he doesn’t read. The president

Mike Pence is the worst, the only way he is better than Trump is that he maybe wouldn’t start a nuclear war because someone insulted his hair. But on reproductive rights Pence is far scarier than Trump.

Her age progression photos will be interesting.

This is how.

God save us from President Pence.

He does not look comfortable or happy.

What you don’t see is that they had to pause midway through his rant, because the members of the press started chanting “STEVE STEVE STEVE STEVE STEVE STEVE”

This is modern day Nazi Germany in it’s infancy. We need to stamp it out before it gets too powerful.

I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe this is happening. That loop has been playing in my head all day.

The Electoral College is a form of voter suppression.

It’s because we don’t have popular vote. The Electoral College is a form of voter suppression.

Germany got through Hitler with a high cost of life and a complete and utter loss of humanity and ethics for over a decade. This is not a silver lining kinda thought for someone who had grandparents live through Germany under Hitler.

Yep. As a German, all I can say is: Sure, “Germany” survived Hitler’s reign and yes, is now a thriving, stable democracy, but at what cost? At what cost?

Do you really think a person with the understanding and general temperament of Donald Trump will respect checks and balances? When he was asked how he would get his batshit policies through, he kept responding “Executive orders.” He thinks Hillary Clinton, a US senator, could have single handedly pushed through