Really the Isuzu makes it? but no love for the XJ220?
Really the Isuzu makes it? but no love for the XJ220?
Except for the removal of the V12, The XJ220 was essentially unchanged from the concept.
They probably called is a Porsh
Lets hope they fix the standard/premium seperation, and the vacuum sounds
No, they were all made a sold, im not sure on the exact numbers, but they are out there now.
They still make these new? Where do people get them? Do they just materialize out of nowhere?
A tleast Geoff got a mention
Just got my tickets to see them live in december, QOTSA are amazing
Nissan Sunny, need I say more?
Must get pretty hot in there huh?
I love it....I will move to england, right away.
Are people buying brand new Corvettes only to crash them? Seems like a sound investment.
I always see a really derpy looking face whenever I see that. I could'nt drive with it staring at me like that.
Looks like it came straight out of GTA.
10/10 would drive, Daily driver.
Am I the only person who really doesnt think these are that bad, there are and have been much worse. No, it's not pretty, but it's not the worst looking car ever.
You can only watch the same car pass by the screen so many times before it gets boring, except the GT1 at the beginning, I love those.
that, that, that, that. Not so much the pink, but those stupid eyelashes make me hate my life and the world around me.
I really like that Renault actually, and I read really hoping that Renault was coming back to america. I was disappointed.