
“First of all, apparently this guy got out of his car with a loaded weapon, so it seems as if the police might be justified in killing him.”

Do you excuse the criminal actions of all rioters or just the black ones?

Just so I’m clear on your point. Only the oppressed are allowed to commit criminal acts?

“And are you just as confused when hordes of white people loot and destroy property after football games?”

So in your opinion one criminal act justifies multiple criminal acts. Does that apply to every race of people or just the race of the victim?

So if someone came walking towards you with a gun in their hand, would you wait for them to shoot you before you returned fire, or would you tell warn them to drop the weapon several times and if the refuse to comply shoot them?

Ah, an open society where no one is held accountable for their actions. Do you really believe that would be a good thing?

Flag and dismiss for what, having a differing opinion than yours?

What is callous and irrelevant at the remark. By all appearances you are promoting a race war by only reporting one side of a story. Is that your goal?