
I agree. My comment didnt include mental health, and your right mental health can make things different. An then different things in a game can set them off, even non violent ones......could just be a colour or similar uniform. Its a tricky issue.

But will it have Nerd-Rocks?

While this isn't the same method used in the matrix, it could very easily produce the same result. Whether you rotate the camera or in the case of the actual effect the take a series of pictures in a curved pattern really makes no difference other than in the matrix method, you aren't limited to just orbiting the

They should patch it.

I'm sure that's a part of it, but I think it's primarily because developers don't make the kinds of titles Japanese gamers want to play for the system. Sure, there are a handful of RPGs for the 360, but even those are usually developed by western studios, for western gamers. No reason to support a system that doesn't

Y'know, I see crap like that, and I start to think maybe we SHOULD actually force gay marriage on all these bigoted asshats. Make 'em all marry members of their own sex, preferably with similarly bigoted views. But make sure we carve out an exception on adoption for one more generation, so they all die off, and stop