Nice. =) That's one nice thing about Charter, I think. Other nice things? I'll have to get back to you on that...
Nice. =) That's one nice thing about Charter, I think. Other nice things? I'll have to get back to you on that...
Well that's quite a deal. I remember having Charter before I moved. In La Crosse, I had 5 Mbps and paid about $35 as well. I remember them upping the speed and I didn't have to pay an upgrade fee for it. It was nice. I think I got up to 15-20 Mbps at the same cost.
Sorry for the delayed response. In my apartment complex the only other available is AT&T. Overall, I think there's Comcast, Timer Warner, and AT&T. I'm not sure if Charter Comm is here...
Wow only $35? How did you get a deal like that for a 20Mbps download?
I should just do that over here in WI. Time Warner in our area.
Location: Waukesha, WI
Cable Provider: Time Warner
Bundle: Digital TV (200+ channels) + Internet (Up to 3Mbps)
Price: $99.99 for the first year. Who knows afterwards.
"Japan's version: a bar. America's version: a cafe. BECAUSE AMERICA DOES NOT HAVE BARS."
Note that the world sees that statue as art. If anyone was to see an image of nudity that doesn't state it's art, it is considered nudity/porn. Fire Emblem will have to start placing these half naked individuals in the game on a stand and have people drawing them. Then it'd be OK....right? =P That or have cover art…
Well keep in mind, however, that Katie was asking "Passionate Gamers". Who responded? Obviously not passionate Gamers. Let's look at it this way. If there is NO POSITIVE PARENTING AND/OR the child HAS A DISORDER playing violent video games will contribute to physical violence. That said, movies, TV shows, and any…