That’s a SNES game
That’s a SNES game
You can also set multiple named alarms in iOS (and probably most other clock apps as well for those who use Android)
Probably not if you’re left-handed
Looks great, and if they build their keyboards anything like their mice it probably feels and works great, too. I’d consider it if it had a number pad!
How is China “comparatively not” terrible?
Sure it’s subjective, but I think most people would agree that throwing an f-bomb at someone isn’t “tame”
A > B doesn’t imply that B = 0
I wouldn’t describe “lighten the fuck up” as “tame” or “moderate”
Sidebar: Are you a member of the mayo-on-grilled-cheese school, or are you strictly butter?
I freeze mixers in them for frozen cocktails. Ice just waters them down!
Could I pulse the watermelon and freeze it in ice cube trays instead of laying out chunks on a sheet pan? Seems like it would be more space-conservative.
Surprised by your aspertame comment - I maintain that Diet Coke and Coke Zero [Sugar] taste way better with rum than Coke Diesel. I really do mean that! Smacks of vanilla in a really good way.
All of that looks like Communion bread. Take a hint, @Pontifex!
You have some links to data on that? I found one on first day Switch vs 360 Super Meat Boy sales, but that’s it so far
Neither - very tiny bits of cabbage
Coincidentally I had a kimchi cream cheese spread at a baby shower a couple weeks ago that BLEW my MIND
Not sure why making a classic dish with high-end ingredients is an issue. I mean, I like fast food burgers, but I also like fancy ones on homemade buns with high quality beef.
“By using both waxy potatoes and something starchy like a Russet”
Makes sense - thanks!