
this guy’s schtick appearsto offend for the sake of offending”

Ah yes. Kotaku. Continuing to characterize any liberal voice that isn’t a radical progressive as conservative. Classical liberalism? Left wing libertarianism? What are those? Stay classy smear mongers.

If a baby is on and off as they often are, it can take upwards of an hour. It is not a trivial action to be taken on the side. If the baby is fussy, not doing it whilst doing other things takes up half your day. You dont know what you’re talking about. Hold your tongue until you actually have some knowledge/experience

incomplete data

You’re free to believe it or disbelieve it as you see fit. ::shrug::

The list of tricks uses “examples” of bad debate techniques that were not actually used in the context of debates. This is disingenuous at best and relies on the reader not actually being familiar with the context of the statements. He does not employ them when debating. Only in more relaxed opinion based discussions.

please do

because your world is black and white and anyone who disagrees with you is a horrible nazi. There is no middle ground, nuance, or shade of grey. 

He doesn’t support the same things though, not by a long shot. The real supremacists are authoritarians. He wants less control

Now that is a criticism that actually makes sense! I dont agree. But it actually is an argument that isn't entirely divorced from his actual positions. Good job.

Nothing about what you said is a position related to the white race but rather the efficacy of a culture to span races. Nice try.

Ha ha

how porn tends to rewire the brain and lead to unrealistic expectations in regards to a partner’s appearance”

Eexcept you are taking that connection to imply causality as opposed to being a pair of symptoms. Have you considered that extensive use of porn and infidelity are correlated instead because they stem from the same source? Dissatisfaction?

yeah, Ben Shapiro the white nationalist.

That’s one interpretation certainly. But it is not self evident from the text itself nor from the hadiths. It is not evident that that this is even the majority interperetation in muslim majority countries. On the contrary, It seems to be something of a cultural epidemic, so were I to hazard a guess, the majority of

why are the death rates so much higher for women

Women have lower bone density

Also lower bone density

Islam oppresses women? Yeah.. Sorry, that is just not true.