“One thing is that women won’t have access to reproductive healthcare like birth control, so they won’t be able to prevent getting pregnant,” said Dr. Kristyn Brandi, a Los Angeles OB/GYN and fellow with Physicians for Reproductive Health.”
“One thing is that women won’t have access to reproductive healthcare like birth control, so they won’t be able to prevent getting pregnant,” said Dr. Kristyn Brandi, a Los Angeles OB/GYN and fellow with Physicians for Reproductive Health.”
What about ico
Is there any evidence that this incident was motivated by racist intent or are we just assuming this to be the case because the boy was black?
It’s not punishment. It’s deincentivisation
paying taxes to it—as Jose, his father, his mother, his brother and sister do, regardless of their documentation
Yes. because saying despicable things justifies physical assault. That’s not counterproductive at aaalll. That doesn’t lend them more credence in the public sphere at all. Congrats on shooting yourself in the foot
Citation needed
Oh yeah suuuuper entitled....not. did you watch the video? It looked to be well into the night time. Didnt see fit to mention that did you little miss let’s slant this in whatever way we can, to make it about race and smear one side by lying through ommision
“The worst person” boy do I have a North Korean dictator to introduce you to you sheltered, sheltered little boy.
No real evidence of any trump-Russian collusion has been put forward. CNN’s own senior editor is on video referring to it as “a big nothing burger” and stating that the implications were put forward solely for ratings and without any evidence.
“If the only time you ever see a character that looks like you is if they’re the sidekick,”
Malcolm Shabazz...
It’s 8. Fight me
8 is better. Fight me
Yeah and those women have voices. If they want more representation in their own media they can speak for themselves. If not, that’s their prerogative. They don’t need us foreigners to do it for them.
why not both?
I think you forget the hydra scene in the first game. He killed an innocent man just cus he didn’t need him anymore. He was ALWAYS using innocents as doorstops at least metaphorically
And yet everyone here has an objectively higher standard of living, and more freedoms than most of the world. This doesn’t add up
That requires honesty and integrity, not shallow digging for unearned social points...... wrong blog
The American Flight countries hold 80 percent of the Market thanks to ,special government legal dispensations. As a result of this they, for all intents and purposes, A monopoly. They don’t need to worry about customer service anymore.