
I agree, although your teminology is incorrect. Enslaving is the act of making someone INTO a slave. This is something the Americans did not do. They simply profited from it by buying them after the enslaving had taken place. Although, I am not saying buying them is any less morally reprehensible. They were just as in

What? which comment were you responding to?

Name one time I have done so.

The problem with that analogy is that we the person who did the punching is DEAD. No one alive today enslabed anyone. Stop thinking about individuals as though they are a collective masso who are responsible for what other people did.

Yeah it was totally America who actually did the enslaving part.....

Have you even read his writings?

It wasn’t white people who did the initial enslaving. It was other black people. White people only perpetuated it by buying them from black slavers. Just saying.

Actually no, in a purely chronological sense, black people started it by selling other black people to white people

because temporarily halting immigration from 7 out of more than 21 muslim majority nations (not even those with the largest muslim proportion) somehow constitutes “a muslim ban” Illegal it may be, but lets not pretend it’s something it’s not. clearly the determination was based off of terrorist ties in the countries

7 countries out of more than 20 Muslim majority countries is not a ban on Muslims. Where were you guys when Obama did the same thing?

You were always so full of thoughts, Elan. Your own logic destroyed you, didn’t it

No, a Gigolo is a male prostitute

Yes let’s conflate illegal immigration with all immigration. That makes sense.

You say that as though the two positions are at all comparable. One is targeted at the distant descendants of people who were forced here generations ago, The other is targeted at people who came here themselves, illegally, don’t pay taxes, and place a great deal of strain on the economy. There are legitimate reasons

Gee, you think an american nationalist might want to focus less on other countries and more on the one he is so ideologically centered on? Brilliant deduction Mr. Holmes.

Cus Adam ruins everything is totally an accurate and reliable source of information

“This study just takes into account women who aren’t generally interested in video games and might just like to kill some time with simple Facebook games.”

So you make assumptions of people’s character on the basis of their skin color..... hmm

Yeah that will teach empathy..... /s

If this is what you consider offensive or racist, you need to get a life. Big babies.