

We need to get off of the total amount of animal-based meat and protein that goes through the global system for a variety of reasons.

Edible bones, how weird... *proceeds to eat handful of gummies made with gelatin

The biggest innovation that plant-based meat needs, is to beat animal meat in price by 20% or more.


As Tom Waits said:

If only there was some way to add it to your coffee yourself....

Yes, that’s the major fail of this article, and not the fact that the title reads “Harrison Ford reacts to new snake species being named after a snake”

I wasss alssso confussssed.

You can also, after all is up and running, use an app called Wintoys. With it you can easily disable or uninstall several Windows processes that you don’t need that slow things down. I’ve got an older laptop that kept saying 100% disc usage with Windows 10. Nothing I tried fixed it. After playing around with Wintoys,

I was a stockboy at the local grocery store when Orbitz came out. The rep for those drinks visited the store manager in a short dress and we ended up with two pallets worth. I think we sold maybe three bottles.

Advanced search does work better! But it’s still weird in that I feel like searching for things was way better in like, 2018, as compared to now. I didn’t need to use advanced search, just the tools I learned years ago to drive Google, so to speak.

No one should be paying money for a 10 year old tablet. The OS isn’t supported anymore making it a security risk and because the OS can’t be updated, many apps will no longer work since they require the updates. I don’t know why Jessica spends so much time scouring the web for outdated tech with “cheap” prices, just

I wish I could find it (oh, Google) but on Reddit there was someone claiming to be a Google engineer saying that Google’s search engine works the way it does because it’s more or less programmed to think it’s smarter than you are.

They just changed it for me and it’s absolute garbage, accessing youtube while not logged in is just godawful push of meme/extremist/trendy in my area content, there’s nothing good about that

There are only two worth watching:

With one giant caveat being This Old House/Ask This Old House, the best show on television, and the only one my fiance and I watch regularly. We may as well add Kevin, Tom, and Richard to the wedding guest list at this point.

Don’t call them “colored lights;” they are “lights of color.”

I’ve noticed (with a degree of annoyance) that manufacturers are relying on the expected longer life of LEDs to produce lamps and other fittings where the bulbs cannot be accessed nor replaced. Even IKEA (IIRC) has sold a couple of these in the UK...definitely a backward step.

Fox News is already implying that Biden will send confiscation teams.