
I was in India two years ago during Diwali, and our tour had been re-routed so we spent the final night in a smaller town that usually never sees tourists.

I’m not counting on Biden actually having won until he’s sworn in in January. The Orange Dictator and his brood of vipers are working hard to throw out as many legal votes as they can....

RIP. It’s not surprising to me that an imminently kind and gentle man who valued intellectualism over everything else didn’t make it through 2020.

I was on Jeopardy in 2012. I was sporting a modestly impressive jewfro at the time. During the breaks, he likes to tunelessly sing to himself. As he was taking pictures with all of us, he sang “here’s a guy with my hair from the ‘70s” to himself as he approached me.

I think Reliant are far more worrying somehow.

Or Cartesian philosophers.

I swear this was already a thing 25 years ago that I read in textbooks (that were probably 10 years old at that point). How is this considered new?

I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer in my early 30s, after a solid year of begging for a colonoscopy and being unable to get anyone to sign off on it.

If you’re experiencing any symptoms of all, start being loud.


I’m female; we know from studies that doctors *regularly* ignore the pain of females. I lost

My brother is 40 and just got diagnosed with Stage 3 colorectal cancer. They are going to have to surgically remove his entire butthole, for life. No colon cancer in our family and genetic testing showed no known genetic predispositions, apparently just got “unlucky”. It is real. If you are having gastric pain or

Since I got this wood chipper? Fewer.

Get this un-American drivel off Jalopnik. We all know AR-15 is the only right answer.

The page title is “How to Embrace Uncertainty, Even If It Makes You Nervous”, and the title of the article is “How to Embrace Uncertainty, Even If You’re Not Sure What Will Happen Next”.

I used to be uncertain, now I’m just unsure...

How to Embrace Uncertainty, Even If You’re Not Sure What Will Happen Next

This one’s one of my favorites:

When it comes to Larson, this will always be my favorite comic (thanks in part to how many people misunderstood the joke and flipped the fuck out over it):

I have that panel saved as a picture on my phone and I show it to people whenever they try to talk sports at me to illustrate what I’m getting out of it. 

She must not be a dog then. 

You’re right I am bitter... :(

Was in a 4 year relationship with a great guy. It has taken me the six months we have been apart to realize that since he was married for 20 years and had like 2 partners before that, he really did think his bedroom skilz were the shit. To the point that when I didn’t like how he touched me he would let me know ALL of