
No license is required. The FAA has some restrictions on RC Planes. There are designated no-fly zones in the immediate proximity of airports, for example, and ‘some’ RC Airfields require insurance (essentially a yearly membership fee), to fly during organized days; many do not. In the U.S. one self-qualifies

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I’ve got this on my DROOOOOOOL list. One day I’ll have it.

No license required. In some countries there is a weight limit, and a need for inspection and a waiver before flight, and in some there are no requirements whatsoever.

No license is directly necessary. But you might want to get an AMA membership, which will help insure you if you lose control and plow the plane into something expensive, or into a crowd of people. Depending on the radio systems you use, and the power levels of them, you technically need a HAM technician license. Both

There’s no licensing required, but there are quite a few rules to abide by. There’s also a membership to the AMA (American Modelers Association), which you always keep active unless you’re willing to accept the risk, because they have their own legal team and insurance coverage in case your model causes injuries or

In the United States none. Most people in to scale model aircraft are emotionally invested enough they have spent thousands of hours flying smaller scale planes and simulators. They don’t want to see their precious and expensive project getting scrapped.

I will admit to having done this before... I went out with some friends and the waitress was struggling to open the bottle of wine. Since she had previously mentioned that it was her second day working on her own, I felt okay with asking her if she would like help opening the wine. I showed her how to do it and walked

On the bright side, they are not using these Transformers:

But do they sexually reproduce?

Somewhere in you is a secret Swedish heritage you never knew about

Or maybe I already know how much a Z32 weighs and thought anybody else responding to a thread about one would already know that as well. But hey, there’s all kinds of idiots out there.

If they have genders, do they have sex?
Because that’s the only purpose to genders, male and female have sex and have kids, and I don’t think Transformers are born from knocked up female bots....

This ad is the scourge of my online existence.


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Let me just say people love this business model. They don’t find it annoying or pretentious at all. Nope, not one bit.

The top portfolio advisor in my office, with about half of a BILLION dollars under management, drives a 12 year old Lincoln Navigator with a broken heater and old kids’ sports stickers on the back window.


I noticed this in Miami. A lot of run of the mill business owners with outrageous cars as a ‘I have arrived’ message.

I can tell you for certain that if it’s a crew of more than 20 people, it doesn’t matter what city they’re in - they’re getting a tax credit from someone.

I grew up in a neighborhood where filming was a regular thing, my siblings and I would eat at the craft services table for lunch whenever possible. I always understood it to be quid pro quo for inconveniencing the neighborhood. My impression was so did the company.