It doesn’t matter how clean, it still looks sticky.
It doesn’t matter how clean, it still looks sticky.
Being able to change, add, or cancel flights just by typing in a code somewhere is either a way bigger story than some privacy worries, or wrong.
“By entering only my first and last name and PNR for an upcoming trip into an airline record locator ... . I was also allowed to change, add, or cancel flights without any type of password or security check.”
This is how you propose if you want her to say no.
Take the stock image at the top for example. There is no information contained in the mindmap being drawn that can’t be represented this way:
The problem with mindmapping software - at least all the ones I’ve tried - is that they’re no better than glorified outlines. You can’t put items under more than one category and thereby draw connections and relationships between different categories, or reflect the fact that something doesn’t fit neatly into one and…
Yet another example of the automotive industry throwing the latest tech at something without asking if it should.
Comedian Jeff Ross, to Hooters girl: “You’re like a stripper who hates money.”
I’m still good friends with my old boss, but that was a special situation (small office), and it took a very unusual amount of love and patience on her part, and not a little bit of growth on mine. So yeah.
The offender starts with a weak, controversial position, known here as the “bailey.” When the weak argument is criticized, the debater switches to the “motte,” and a strong, uncontroversial opinion that’s harder to argue with.
This can’t be the reason. Even on Asian airlines where the service is fantastic and they really go out of their way to make your flight as pleasant as it can be, passengers turn into petty tyrants as soon as they get on the plane.
Don’t buy more food or drink than you are going to consume, and try harder to finish that which you do buy. Yes, there will still be occasions when you misjudge, but far, far less if we all took an ounce more care. The amount of food waste in the U.S. is nauseating compared to other developed countries.
Taking care of it, no. You have to assert possession in a way that is not consistent with someone else having the same rights - put a fence around it, make use of it, put a building on it, farm it, etc.
What do you give them?
Retro Biosciences sounds like a company that sells leeches and smelling salts.
El Pollo Loco is the chain more of the country should know about.
El Pollo Loco is the chain more of the country should know about.
I prefer to save the racist and sexist labels for worse, but seriously, this movie is like two hours of solid cringe for Hindus, Sikhs, other South Asians, Chinese people like myself, and women. That’s about 3/4s of all humans for whom this movie is like nails on a chalkboard. Besides Short Round everybody not a…
We are the Matrix.
If the weight of the plane is such an important factor, why don’t planes have sensors that tell them what the weight is? That can’t be hard.