
Don’t say $100,000 if you make $$200,000.

What do they call Harry Potter?

Well, he’s a “Slav Aryan,” you see.

Salt is beyond worthless. I’ve slipped on salt sitting pretty on a nice crust of ice. Oh the irony. It ruins cars, shoes. I don’t know what it’s doing to the environment but we’ve all heard this one before. Fuck salt.

Twenty-First Century subway platforms are supposed to look like this:

Don’t Worry, I’m Leaving by Pee Before You Go


faze [feyz]

Yeah, you can’t use a foreign number. However, you can use your ported U.S. number overseas to make and receive calls with the Hangouts Dialer app, for free. This freaks out people who expect you to be gone and is fun to do.

Wow, everybody in the ‘70s was a caricature of themselves.

Now playing

How do I rig it to play this when I head out the door?

Keep him. You need people who know their shit.

Eating is like half the point of traveling. Why would you do this?

Not enough people are commenting, but this is a great find.

Cleveland is awesome - the whole one square mile of it around University Circle; the “University” being Case Western Reserve. I’d describe everywhere else as “You have to be in the mood for it.” The weather there in the summer is the uncompromised first draft version of summer. The other nine months of the year it

Why? Share.

Why? Share.

See? It’s possible.

I didn’t make my intent clear in my post. Sorry! :)


No part. But you failed to explain it for anybody else. All you posted is a plate of shrimp, and the fact that you ate them. Even in the context of this article, it isn’t going to be obvious necessarily to a reader unfamiliar with this dish why it’s relevant, because too many people post random, irrelevant shit.