
Too bad none of this stuff shows up on a resume, on job postings, or in response to your typical asinine interview question.

- Keeping clean helps immensely. I bring my toiletry bag and a small hand towel with me so I can brush my teeth, floss, and wipe myself off every few hours. It keeps me from going insane and is an opportunity to move around as well. Being dirty takes a mental toll, so by keeping clean you'll feel much less miserable

I'm not going to believe some antisocial semi-literate nut on the periphery.

Tell us.

There are similar developments all over the Sinophere - Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc. Personally I don't mind the occasional "trip" that much, but these towers usually come in groups of four, five, etc., and can be so oppressive that they really constitute visual pollution. Oh, if only visual pollution laws existed.

Here's a problem with Crashplan. Sometimes it will fail to upload certain files, and won't tell you that they failed to upload, so while you're thinking you're covered, a bunch of your potentially important files could have no back up at all. Apparently the problem is it cannot upload files which permissions haven't

For anyone that still cares, here's how much stock you should put into this post:


The article suggested, "If you tell the truth, I will be really happy." That's not going to be appropriate in cases of outrageous behavior, because it sets really low expectations for your kids. reubendevrles's formulation is better.

P.S. - Most people think they're thinking when they're just realigning their prejudices. We've come a long way from the smug, intolerant, apocalyptic, political, right-wing Republican Christian nation Sam Harris was writing to, in which 98% of the population believed in some kind of higher spirit, but 95% of you are

I spent most of my adult life being a considered atheist, with a counterargument for every argument in favor of faith and a sophisticated (dare I say it) value system based on reason, before deciding life would be better lived (not necessarily "happier") with the values and mindset of my youth. My old atheist self,

Brother MFC7860DW. I have the non-WiFi version, which is the subject of religious devotion among me and certain people I know. You can run a small law office staffed with apes off of these. They and higher monkeys would have no trouble figuring out how to set it up and use it, and after bashing it, biting it, and

I think there's something to the idea that something offensive, if funny, is still OK to say. For one thing that preserves the notion that you don't say those kinds of things lightly. In your case, you just need a better filtering mechanism, because it's not funny. It's probably a good thing you're not doing PR

Asian babies tend to be bigger when born, according to my mother, who had a few. Too bad they stay that size.

Chipotle is Mexican food for people from Vermont, and those who listen to social cues instead of their senses.

I just went to the NBC website and for the life of me couldn't find where to watch paid streaming. If I have to work that hard to pay you money, I won't stoop to do so, because you're too stupid and arrogant to deserve it.

Anybody with a cat can see its third eyelid in action. Just press gently on its eyeball on the side away from the nose, and it will slid over the eye.

Good thing you weren't friends with my friend's kid, who had a birthday cake shaped like a cockroach. It was shiny and filled with cream inside.

Interestingly, "Cabinet Tribe" (guizu) is a play on "Aristocrats" (guizu).

Y'all need to be a bit more choo-sy in your puns.