
Some lessons need or should be learned through experience, but some do not. It's not hard to learn how to save money, especially when you have money to save and invest.

21st Century British university students have the literacy of 19th Century British serial killers.

Bet there are more. Um, ah, oh, hmm, mm, AHHH.

Not sure we're talking about the same thing, or I'm not understanding you. I was talking about why Taiwan doesn't bother to invest in a credible deterrence anymore.

Because you own a cinderblock house?

Well let's see now. Given that -


I think the thinking is, we're going to surrender when the PRC comes anyway, so let's just blow the money on speculative real estate and hotpot.

Now playing

Not trying to be a dick (it just comes to me naturally) ...

This is still the best real law firm name:

Different question: What if I just wanted some degree-mill degree that will allow me to expend the minimum amount of effort, money, and time in order to take the patent bar? Are there any barely reputable, borderline fraudulent programs out there accepted by the USPTO? How about programs offered by foreign schools?

"I got this for you. Do you like it?"


Holy cow, there are mentally sophisticated, well-adjusted adults on this site? I had no idea.

Find a style hero and just slavishly copy what he does. Mine's James Bond. Going to stand in line to get tested at the free clinic? "What would James Bond wear?" Problem solved.

This is saying foods pair well together because they taste alike, but Asian cooking pairs foods that don't taste alike. So are we to conclude that Asian cooking sucks or that the premise of the article is bullshit?

VOTE: Crashplan

Ooo, two Taiwanese in a list of seven. I think I'm proud.

"But I just want what you want!"

With any social interaction you're trying to make interesting, sincerity is what matters, not some inherent interestingness that doesn't exist. Anything you can come up with has been done before, hundreds of times, multiplied by the billions of people who have lived.