It’s not just people of color. Anyone who doesn’t see the guy proven to have better judgment and better policies than the rest just doesn’t know the issues well enough or are just a one-issue voter: gender.
It’s not just people of color. Anyone who doesn’t see the guy proven to have better judgment and better policies than the rest just doesn’t know the issues well enough or are just a one-issue voter: gender.
Bernie voted for the crime bill based on the ban on assault weapons and the Violence Against Women Act provisions. At the time, he criticized the mass incarceration and death penalty provisions.
“Celebrity stuff” is politics.
How American of you, noble advocate of censorship.
Amen to this.
It was their answer to the problem of, “This guy’s too popular — how do we spin it?”
It was sarcasm, dimwit.
It’s not like he wanted to talk tax policy. Health care is literally a matter of life and death.
That’s your correlation to the GOP not addressing the real problems facing our country during their debates?
What exactly is the problem with that?
that have these horrendous experiences with universal health care.
It’s always the people who know people in other countries t
Why is it that conservatives are so adamant in not talking policy in mixed company? Is it because their views cannot stand up to the light of day, without the proper talking points in hand?
Attempting to poke holes, you mean.
How do you figure?