Damn that Helghast Sniper still looks sexy as ever.
Damn that Helghast Sniper still looks sexy as ever.
Well you could say the same thing about shirts that have Chinese, traditional chinese and kanji etc.....
Yea i hear ya by that time i will be getting ready for PS4.
.... Author of berserk to busy playing IM2(Idol M@ster) thats why.
HAAAAAAA that last miku made laugh so much.
Yeah i remember that psp dpad action in mhp2/3 :D.
If your going get vita you should get this one (http://www.amazon.com/PlayStation-Vi…) but if your on budget buy wifi ver and get the 8gb or whatever memory of your like on amazon.
I lost my shit on the Gintama one, damn i love that show. On last one i forgot her name thats one cool looking Medusa hair style.
LOL i hear you man i go out and get picked off by some stupid weapon or else my rifle shoots blanks.
No special costume with the vids :C
LOL reminds me of this haaaa.
LOL i kind died bit inside & pissed my self laughing.
Nah they need Eva Unit 13 damn i like that Eva way better than Unit 01 now :D.
3.33 was the shit bro, i was lost for bit than i quickly put the piece together tho :).
Ahh damn them two sexy girls :)
Oh yea i wanna buy that but i dont have the cash atm, best recap the 1.11-2.22 and all the episodes from tv series minus those 2 XD .
Dang you got me in the mode to watch EoE.
Holy shit that's amazing.
Ahhh you bastard you said before me :D
MRAD isn't 50 cal Lozzel its 338. Laupa, if it was 50 it would been lot louder and the wii u controller would have big hole threw it.