
Damn that Helghast Sniper still looks sexy as ever.

Well you could say the same thing about shirts that have Chinese, traditional chinese and kanji etc.....

Yea i hear ya by that time i will be getting ready for PS4.

.... Author of berserk to busy playing IM2(Idol M@ster) thats why.

HAAAAAAA that last miku made laugh so much.

Yeah i remember that psp dpad action in mhp2/3 :D.

I lost my shit on the Gintama one, damn i love that show. On last one i forgot her name thats one cool looking Medusa hair style.

LOL i hear you man i go out and get picked off by some stupid weapon or else my rifle shoots blanks.

No special costume with the vids :C

LOL i kind died bit inside & pissed my self laughing.

Nah they need Eva Unit 13 damn i like that Eva way better than Unit 01 now :D.

3.33 was the shit bro, i was lost for bit than i quickly put the piece together tho :).

Ahh damn them two sexy girls :)

Oh yea i wanna buy that but i dont have the cash atm, best recap the 1.11-2.22 and all the episodes from tv series minus those 2 XD .

Dang you got me in the mode to watch EoE.

Holy shit that's amazing.

Ahhh you bastard you said before me :D

MRAD isn't 50 cal Lozzel its 338. Laupa, if it was 50 it would been lot louder and the wii u controller would have big hole threw it.