Nobody likes the Xbox One tho.
Nobody likes the Xbox One tho.
It is extremely good, got the 3GB Time Capsule version to take care of backup needs as well. Best router I've ever owned, bar none.
It is absurd that Destiny doesn't allow players to skip cutscenes. Embarrassing, really. The Queen's Wrath bounties tasked me with completing the "Restoration" mission multiple times, and each time I did, I had to sit through the interminable cutscene where the Speaker talks about how the children are frightened…
I always wonder why on Gawker sites people respond to posts like 2 years later.
iOS users tend to actually buy things, the SDK is easier, and testing 25733565x easier since you're only dealing with a total of 4 screen sizes/resolutions.
This is about playing games *together* though. Does Steam let you play an unowned game *together* with a friend?
The way MS was doing it, by forcing DRM and bundling it with no game reselling? Yes, it was quite awful.
except Sony's version doesn't require the draconian MS DRM bullshit. Also, Sony announced this before the PS4 released, all that was announced today was that it was coming in the 2.0 software update.
no, it was terrible due to DRM, authentication, "phoning home", etc, all things PS4 isn't forcing on anyone.
I can't wait to buy The Last of Us, Uncharted, and Little Big Planet on Steam! Thanks for the heads up!
Some of us didn't have a PS3 last generation - and my 360 died before GTA 5's release.
Project C.A.R.S. is also going to be on PS4, with VR (Sony's 'Project Morpheus') support.
uh, inFAMOUS: Second Son?
I always assumed they were monkey skulls or something.
I see your friends Batman and raise you Thundercats on mine.
You've clearly never played on Xbox Live. A most wretched hive of scum and villainy (and racist 13 year olds who fucked my Mom).
On the bright side, Sony got the gaming part right (faster/better hardware than X1, most games 1080p). The UI can always get updates, the hardware can't. I'm content with my purchase.
A top 10 list of Android games would be like, every Android game.
In more important MGS news today, Konami has confirmed the resolution/frame rate on various consoles: