Robert A Petersen

I believe Target has some kind of deal with Apple...

Or you could alternatively use Google Voice, which is $1.99 cheaper, being $0.

Yeah, but it'd still be labeled "backspace".

There are a few advantages to a touchscreen keyboard. Though I agree a .com on a physical keyboard might be handy.

Strange, I have an iPad 3rd Gen (WiFi only) and I'm connected via WPA.

I agree, both are far from perfect. But I don't know what's up with all the background buildings on Google Earth. It would be better not to load a building at all than to load random amorphous blobs.

Yes those are my pics, no you can't change settings on either, and both are fully loaded.


Google does do 3d mapping, and yes it's worse:

Google does do 3d mapping, and yes it's worse:

Right here:

Still better than Google's 3D city mapping:

Came here to say that as well.

USB Ashtray:

You do realize the "IpHoNe 5" isn't out until Friday, right? And that The Verge will have the same or more coverage of it than Gizmodo.

Yeah, because The Verge isn't going to be reporting on iOS 6 or the iPhone 5 release this Friday either. Oh wait, iOS 6 and iPhone 5 right there on the main page.

Well, to be fair I'd make the argument that the same is true of most Android users who just purchased some $99 pay as you go phone.

This is simply not true, since all these "non technically savvy" users still visit sites like Gizmodo, or any other tech sites that are full of iOS users. And really, I doubt you could come up with anything you can do on a rooted Anroid device that you can't do on a Jailbroken iOS device.

Damn, that is a rather epic fail then.

Yeah, I dropped a pin on that island and Apple Maps says its Yellowknife NWT in that spot.