Yeah, much better to not know, and just trust that the security is rock solid.
Yeah, much better to not know, and just trust that the security is rock solid.
Strange, I don't recall ever paying for a .X upgrade on my Mac, or for even major updates on my iPhone, or iPad...'d rather not know? Security through ignorance?
Aka "The Adobe Solution".
Strange, that doesn't look like the Hubble Ultra Deep Field....
Wait, I thought the Samsung fans were guaranteeing that this Judge was bought and paid for by Apple? So which is it?
That's true of most people that have used multiple mobile OS ;-) but to be fair, Sam had good things to say about Windows Phone and you're still giving him shit.
Macs of the last few years have had very excellent hardware. Or are you one of those Windows users who will try to claim your $499 Dell laptop smokes a MacBook Pro?
That's kind of like saying either of the following:
Depends on device. On iPad 1/2 NNNoooooo. On Retina display iPad sure. I've read several dozen books on it (I just set the brightness to about 40% with Sepia tone on and it's great. As good as an e-ink? Pretty damned close assuming your indoors. Outdoors no, I'll admit that.
I yell "IMMAGRACÍON!" and everyone runs?
This would be more like a 55" 720p rear projection set VS a cheaper 42" 1080p +3D backlit LED.
Well, Apple got the UI right the first time, that's why they haven't had to update it like crazy. Unlike Android where Jelly Bean is all like "hey guys, we fixed some of that stuttering that's been present since 1.0!"
Because its too ridiculous looking as a phone, and too small to be a tablet. Sometimes crossbreeding is great and gives you a Griffin. Most times you get nothing, or an aborted mess.