
So true! For some reason it seems younger women hate hatchbacks. No idea why. I’m convinced car makers only build useless small sedans with their tiny trunks for the sole reason to sell to young women.

Sloth is also instantly recognizable, but that doesn’t make him good looking.

I was super proud of my then 2 year old SVT Focus when my neighbor came home with a brand new Honda Civic. I walked next door and struck up a conversation with him and congratulated him on his new purchase. Without hesitation he instantly dumped on me, ”Yeah, you should’a bought a Honda. That Ford is gonna just break

And hopefully they will all be in a long train occupying one lane. Freeing up a bunch of road. As long as they don’t outlaw REAL cars, I’ll be looking forward to self-driving ones.

Yeah...but they are in the business to make money. Of course they are going to operate as efficiently and as profitable as possible. I hear you about produce, that would be cool...but then that makes them a grocery store, and that’s not what they want to be.

Even with 20 extra ponies...if this Veloster is even close to the same price as a Focus ST, I’d still just rather have the ST.

I’ve never thought of DG as a threat to local businesses or wal-mart...but I can see your point. I’ll say though, it seems they build DG in areas that are a bit more financially depressed, which in the very least provides those communities with a new, clean, well stocked store in neighborhoods that may not have had

You know what excites me most about self-driving cars? That all the people that aren’t interested in driving....won’t be. Leaving more room on the roads for us that do like to drive (or ride motorcycles) to perhaps more safely enjoy the road.

But still on the damn road. See more of these still doing daily driver duty than I do any Hondas that old.

Started disappearing?!! Not down here in Florida. I’m near Sun City Center (retiree Mecca) you’ll spot a k-car dirivitive down here every damn day. Turismos, Aries, Dynasties, you name it.

Many of the world’s richest probably donate money so they don’t look like total assholes to the rest of us. After all they want us to continue to make them richer, right? These uber-rich folks may not even really care about the charities they give money to, but if “praising” them in the media means more of them give,

really? Elaborate...not that I don’t believe you...I’m just curious in what way?

everyone says that, but it does 13's in the quarter...pretty damn “sporty” for econo-sedan

maybe they are bringing the FoST Wagon over???!!! (pretty please)

this x 1000

I/m an original owner of a 16 y/o car and a 14 y/o one, neither Japanese. A 2002 Ford SVT Focus and a 2004 Jeep Liberty Renegade. Both have hard earned miles...and both have been crazy reliable and solid vehicles. I’ve wrenched on plenty of busted Japanese cars....meh...nothing to write home about.

Only person that should be fired is the designer. AGGRESSIVE! So tired of cars having to look evil and macho, especially when the wheel/tire package doesn’t look as “bad ass” as the rest of the design.

I’d bet the merchant mariners that were torpedoed would disagree with you. Being torpedoes and sunk during a time of war is combat how ever you look at. Also many merchant ships returned fire upon their aggressors. Just saying.

I have a difficult time believing Russia really cares about salvaging these tanks. Isn’t Russia known for hasseling their Nordic neighbors? I think they are up to something the very least there’s an alterior motive afoot.

Then how come when you mix all Playdoh together it makes the color browurple? An equal combination of brown and purple.