
@hagren: "The powers that be"? It's a common expression. Nothing's wrong here, grammatically speaking.

@josephmeraz: Hohohoho, I see what you did there. Big wigs. Classic!

@Two Flush Dump: Did you just call Taco Bell good food? I weep for you. I weep for us all. ;_;

@hahnchen: He'd only be $20,000 down *and* we'd have the good fortune of getting more than just "THE LOST iPHONE SAGA" stories.

@Toshiya: In that case, there is only one winner! The rest are all losers, of course, and that's all that matters.

@4lk4linetri0: What kind of freaky high school did you go to? ._.

@Luke Plunkett: I wouldn't say that they're making final decisions based solely on that trailer.

@KiwiMan: Y'know, fear, human unpredictablitiy, and lack of training aside.

@LordMuzzy: Quebec has a law specifically against this sort of thing? Elaborate!

@bowen13: They make for an absolutely amazing meal.

@ShinLord: That girl has some really manly-looking feet.

@1Mystic-G: Yeah, I mean, think of the people in the building next door. They shouldn't have to die for the transgressions of another company.

@CloserDivision: "He's not seriously wearing that beanie while he's proposing to her, is he? Why's he wearing that vest? Nobody else is dressed up, is it supposed to be ironic?"

@toks1c: The "crap" is what makes the reaction that much better.

@BreadKnight: It looks so hopelessly generic. Coming from the guy who made Resident Evil, I was expecting something radically different, not... This.

@Zinger314: Are you going to have sex on it? Because if you are, I'd have to advise you do otherwise.

@THE_MOOGLEKING: "We below." They are at the bottom of the food chain as far as scout ranks go, so it only makes sense that their title reaffirms their position. They have to be reminded exactly where it is that they stand and that, at any point, they can be kicked out just as easily as they were admitted.

@Danza: ...That's pretty much what any voting system comes down to.