@Michael Dukakis: Stop being so punny. Just stop it. ;_;
@Michael Dukakis: Stop being so punny. Just stop it. ;_;
@Brobama Tito Brohey the Third: You did it wrong. It should be God of War.
@sentroshi: Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble for the PSP.
@MetaKz: ...No?
@qibsss: Valkyria Chronicles was a disappointment? Huh?
I haven't gotten around to actually buying it, only seeing a playthrough on the Internet, but it makes me ask: Why didn't Resident Evil 5 wind up like this?
@OCEntertainment: Nah, that doesn't give us anything to analyze!
@Flagina: I'm trying to figure out how you go from Satan to the Qur'an. <_<
@Evdor: "Well, it's as we said. The hit new game for the PlayStation 360, has kids searching out a serial killer who, among other things, leaves paper origami cranes at the sites of his victims' deaths."
@The_M: *Obligatory In Soviet Russia joke goes here*
@Archaotic: Quick, e-mail him lest this review forever tarnish the game!
@chewblaha: ...Well played, good sir.
@Rask: Surprisingly, yes. It's the only reason I clicked the article. <_<
@chewblaha: You're that surprised about the disclaimer?
@madammina: You're thinking about this the wrong way; you're not thinking like Apple thinks.
@madammina: Oh, God no. Could you believe that there are people who get off to people doing yoga?
@S.I.: Faster than the speed of awesome: You're crazy. Soccer moms don't let their kids have access to the Internet. Think of the pedophiles!
@DukeOfPwn: Sit down, Mr. Martini!
@S.I.: Faster than the speed of awesome: But that's not the principle of the matter. D: If we give in, if we stop caring, then the soccer moms win.
@sneakysnake128: Yeah, I mean... I don't get it. They feel the need to shoehorn multiplayer into places where it doesn't belong. And the thing that worries me the most is the fact that it's starting to become more and more common. It's annoying.