
@Kadin: Now that Nintendo magazine to the left. Is that Link? Rawr.

Isn't that... Dangerous?

@Slinkytech: That it was a bad idea to build buildings higher than 10 stories.

The first True Crime was awful and generic; awfully generic, even!

@grantanamo: I prefer ascetics who abstain from sex and alcohol, myself.

@Madeira: That's a lot of inferring you're doing. <_< Keep it up!

@Madeira: What's pretentious about that? Now if he were saying, "Our game is going to absolutely revolutionize the way people look at video games as an art form," then yeah, that'd be a problem.

@Wolf_Dog: Aren't they already making a game based on the movie, though?

@Red_Dragon: Awesome niche? It's made by Activision. It never had a niche to begin with.

@jslizzle: he actually clicks like dolphins to sense what the sound waves bounce off of.

@NeVeRMoRe666: Reverence went out the window once they decided to make it a video game.

@Trygle12 is a cool prinny!: I foresee "dark" versions of Ash's Pokemon and all of their moves will mirror each other. Ash will realize that he's in a stalemate, the legendary Pokemon involved in this one will come to its senses, deus ex machina, story ends.

@Annie Are You OK? Are You OK Annie?: I think... Bethesda? That's probably why they're suing. Though I've never even heard of Fallout before Fallout 3 and I haven't even played that one. So... To Wikipedia!

@IronMan: And that's something that I can agree with! Carry on, carry on.

@vidhagans: "When you trash talk the people next to you, it's done in the name of fun. When you trash talk somebody over the Internet, you're an ass."

@Mit: From what I noticed, they changed Sheva's kick to keep the upskirt shots to a minimum. And Chris' movements were changed, too.