Maybe it's Mabel

That gif. I’m crying. It perfectly describes TF and his style de vie (cuz “lifestyle” is for plebs).

If you can even imagine, Tom Ford is even more insufferable in person. He acts like he is burdened by the weight of his greatness.

Yes, he says, all men should be penetrated at some point. And not as in emotions. He means: All men should be fucked. “I think it would help them understand women...

You were a brave pioneer of the butt-Frontier. We of the kinja folk acknowledge your contributions, worry not.

That actually made my heart hurt. what kind of a concept is “tacky” to teach a four year old? he’s going to preschool not Royal Ascot.

are you telling me I stuck all that stuff up my bum for nothing?


That’s just for punishing infidels and apostates ... er ... I mean, “enemies of god”

I wouldn’t mind seeing President Larry Wilmore. Seriously.

“We ran a candidate whom everyone hates...” is untrue, but I’ve decided that the Dems should choose their next candidate SOLELY on the basis of “is s/he likeable?” because that’s obviously the most important factor to voters. Someone needs to buy the domains and

Actually, Hillary got more votes than any candidate except Obama.

If she would have won, odds are good he would be recalled and someone new appointed, a DOJ investigation into the FBI would probably have also begun. Considering Trump is pro-police/law enforcement, this investigation will not happen and it may become the new norm.

Everyone’s asking why so many white women voted for Trump and Emily’s post reveals exactly why. Their shrugging off of the idea of privilege is the very definition of it.

face palm. How does anybody make that much money and not understand insurance pools? Or roads and sewerage treatment plants? Which is tax money helping everyone.

No, we underestimated just how brazenly racist and misogynistic our country is. We all knew America was this racist and sexist, but we thought it was too embarrassed of it to actually admit it to the world and elect someone like Donald.

Tried to add: By rare I mean through planning and support, not that I think abortions are wrong. I see them as a necessary and voluntary medical procedure.

I may be too late to be seen, but everyone should head over to Emily Henderson’s blog to read this post. Em took a break from stylish designs to admit how crushed she was and ask her many readers why some of them voted for Trump. The amount of people who mentioned abortion astounded me. Many women claimed to be

I can’t imagine they’ll have many White House events like the Obamas did. Like no kids treat or treating, no easter egg hunts, no pardoning of the turkey, etc...

Now playing

For God’s sake, nooooooo. Republicans did this. Even yelled “You lie!” with Obama during his speeches and they came off as bratty, whiny children.

Seriously. I can’t imagine him being as welcomed on talk shows, first pitches, awards shows, etc. as the Obamas were. Like I pray to Claude that he and Melania will never be on Ellen or read Mean Tweets or do car pool karaoke.

I already pledged $50 to the first member of congress toninterrupt his State of the Union with a “Liar”, “Bigot” or even a simple well placed “wrong”