Sonic Reducer 151

Dafuq did I just read?

Unfortunately I don’t think Romo-whatever AKA“shutthefuckupsplinter” is going to be taking your (accurate) consideration to heart. He seems to be a little too Red Pill for that.

Kinja is the Electoral College of message boards.

I don’t know, sea-lion.

I will be there!

Now THIS is the content I come here for! Huzzah for jizz!

One thing I appreciate about him unlike say, tomatoface or others, Baracka is not a troll is that those are his honest opinions and there is nothing performative about it. It’s unnerving at times however since he’s quite insane.

Exactly. And this is coming from someone who really like Sanders. As a person and as the senator from Vermont. Who should also probably retire soon.

Warren leads amongst self-identified liberals in the polls, but not amongst Democrats, same with young voters. Biden is running a centrist, old fashioned campaign because he appeals to old, centrist Democrats like him.


Do you want to hear the Insane Clown Posse ask shit like “female anatomy, how does that work” on their track Female Genital Mutilation?

Come on party people won’t you listen to me. DATE RAPE STYLEE!

She’s also saying that once there is universal healthcare in America that people in Europe will fly to New York for procedures. Is that right? Is there a still wrong (but at least logical) way this makes sense to anyone else?

It doesn’t really matter if it’s for, against or ambivalent towards it; if you’re the type of dude who’s gonna name a song Date Rape, you’re also the type of dude who shouldn’t be writing a song on the subject to begin with.

I will star pretty much any comment that tells that fucking idiot to get bent. How the fuck does anyone “well actually...” Ben Shapiro? 

I read this abbreviation as Fred Van Vundy and refuse to correct myself.

Sadly, although I am a little surprised to hear that, I am fairly confident that I could guess the places where that is true. Looking at you, Alabama.

I’d actually be shocked if any judges did that. Even before he was president, Obama was kind of a rock star in the Constitutional Law community so I would be surprised if any judges were mocking him on the record. The Trump presidency is a very unique (and cruel) joke on America.

“Judge Kwan contends that this was intended to be funny, not rude. It is an immutable and universal rule that judges are not as funny as they think they are.”

I didn’t realize they made more than one of him. Badambum crash! Tip your waiters folks, I’ll be here all weekend.